Friday, November 14, 2008

Thing 23

It's hard to believe that I've made it through this process and lived to tell about it! More than that - I enjoyed several of the exercises. The Generator was fun but I don't know that there is any serious application for this for me. Thanks to Jason Kaspar, I was already using Delicious but I've found more items to add to it. I think the Google Docs is a great, free tool and it could be very useful for the public. Wish I'd know about it when people wanted Word before we added Office to all of our computers.
I was pretty adament in my thinking that I did not want a blog because I didn't want that much about me floating out there in the ether. Silly me, I enjoy my blog. I can add my pictures - thanks to Flickr, add my book reviews and keep up with the world.
As to my lifelong learning - I really am interested in the podcasts and the Youtube videos. I've investigated nearly all of the fellow Geeks blogs and am amazed by what everyone has accomplished. Jason is so erudite, Mary takes fantastic pictures, Mikki is very computer knowledgeable, April - both of them - love their gardens and books, Lori's boys keep her going, Manya and Amy are old pros at this and I wish I could identify several of the others. I faced this assignment with dread and left very happy with what I've learned and accomplished.

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Congratulations on finishing! I love your blog and love how you have contniued to use it. It seems like this program has opened up whole new vistas for you. I know who to come to for help with all sorts of things now! Thanks for sharing.